New Zealand

  • Bus

    Buses are the cheapest and most common form of public transport available for travelling between towns and cities. Intercity and Naked Bus are the two main providers of this service, and fares start from around NZ$10. Although not public transport, hop – on – hop – off buses are also a popular way to get around New Zealand, especially among backpackers. Choose your pass and make up your itinerary as you go along.

  • Train

    Trains are not a common form of public transport in New Zealand; however there are three main train lines operated by Kiwi Rail: Auckland to Wellington (Northern Explorer), Picton to Christchurch (Coastal Pacific), and Christchurch to the West Coast (the Tranz Alpine – considered one fo the most scenic rail journeys in the world). Train tickets start from around NZ$49 per person.

  • Ferry

    Ferries are popular for travel between the North and South Islands. The two major providers are Inter Islander and Blue bridge, and fares start at NZ$55 for foot passengers. Taking the ferry means you’ll experience the beautiful Marlborough Sounds on your way into or out of Picton.